Wednesday 20th March | 5pm - 6pm

What Will You Discover?

Attend the session live on Zoom

Timings (UK) 


Circular Std


Asynchronous course study 



Asynchronous course study 


Asynchronous course study  



Course Introduction

What is the Futures project? 

Module 1 

Course Overview and subject specific content  


Developing first ideas for futures project 

Study group  

Defining scope of personal futures project 

Module 1   



Study Skills

Presenting a thesis in a seminar 

Module 2 

Present idea for futures project for discussion in tutorial 



Personal futures project to be agreed with tutor  

Module 2  




Modules 3-7
Personal project work  


Study Skills

Features of academic writing 

Tutorial (30 min)

Review personal futures  project draft and questions 

Module 8  




University Applications

Writing a personal statement 

Module 9

Prepare plan for  future study


Study group   

 The University application process and common questions  

Module 9  


3 days post course: Project submission deadline.   10 days post course: Certification, Project feedback and Evaluation sent to student   

Sample Timetable 

Why Attend?

Budget Mastery: Unlock the secrets to effective budget management, setting the foundation for financial independence.

Student Loans Demystified: Navigate the complexities of student loans with ease, turning daunting debts into manageable milestones.

Financial Aid Unveiled: Explore the avenues of financial aid to support your educational journey, ensuring you make informed decisions about funding your future.

Building Strong Financial Habits: Learn the cornerstones of good financial health, from saving strategies to investment basics, to ensure a prosperous future.

Meet your tutor



Top Subjects

Copyright © Immerse Education 2023 

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Wednesday 20th March | 5pm - 6pm 


the World of Banking & Finance

In a world where financial acumen is key to navigating life's challenges, Immerse Education is thrilled to offer a deep dive into healthy financial habits, rich with actionable insights for young people on the cusp of financial independence.

We are drawing on the expertise of those working in the field of banking and finance to deliver a webinar that will empower you with the skill to manage and create a personal budget, understand student loans and financial aid, and cultivate robust financial habits.


Expert Insights: Gain valuable knowledge from an Immerse Business/Finance tutor, bringing real-world insights from the banking and finance industry.

Interactive Q&A: Have your burning questions answered live, providing you with personalized advice and clarity on financial matters.

Comprehensive Overview: Whether you're considering the Immerse Banking & Finance Programme or looking to enhance your financial literacy, this webinar is a must-attend event.

Business Management Programmes: On Campus & Online? 

At Immerse Education, we are committed to offering an exceptional learning experience both in-person and online. Our Business Management programmes are designed to equip participants with comprehensive management skills and an in-depth understanding of today’s business world.

On-Campus Experience 

Dive into the dynamic world of business with our on-campus programmes, held in the stimulating academic settings of renowned universities. Our interactive sessions, led by expert tutors, focus on real-world applications and strategic thinking, preparing participants to excel in the competitive business landscape.

For those who seek flexibility without compromising on quality, our online Business Management programmes mirror the rigour and engagement of our on-campus courses. With state-of-the-art digital platforms, you'll connect with peers globally and gain insights from industry leaders, ensuring your learning experience is second to none.

Online Learning Redefined

Discover your managerial potential with our Business Management programs. With personalized tutorials and small class sizes, our tailored approach supports your individual career goals. Become an innovative leader of tomorrow, explore our programs and start your journey now.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your understanding of banking and finance.

Ulunma is currently working as an Investment Associate. She recently completed her MBA at the University of Oxford. She studied Economics as an undergraduate and has over 6 years of professional experience as a management consultant before her MBA.

She enjoys sharing knowledge and has found a medium to do so consistently in the past. She has taught Mathematics, English Language, and Basic Finance and has mentored/trained college students who were in their penultimate year of university. 

Ulunma enjoys reading and writing poetry.