Meet some of our Mentors

Learn from world class tutors in both our residential and online programmes. Our mentors are all Immerse certified and are from some of the world’s top universities.


Can you tell me more about the residential Mentors?

The participants are nurtured and cared for by our experienced mentors and college managers who are current undergraduates or postgraduates studying at the University of Cambridge and Oxford. The Immerse mentors are there to ensure that participants are able to get the most out of the programme, and provide participants with additional support in their chosen subject so that they leave Immerse feeling confident about their academic future.

The wellbeing of participants is at the forefront of everything we do. Our mentors receive Safeguarding and First Aid training and are on hand to offer support and friendship to all participants. They truly understand the challenges and pressures that participants face and are happy to share their own advice and experience. Our resident summer team, together with college personnel supervise the site 24/7. Our locations are all safe environments and all members of staff undergo extensive security and safety checks, including UK Government Enhanced DBS checks.

During your time on an Immerse residential programme, you’ll be allocated a Mentor ‘Family’, which will consist of a group of approximately ten other students from all over the world – and your mentor. Within this family, you’ll create memories, and share your experiences.

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