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Media & Journalism
In-person Course
In the heart of NYC, participants explore a journalist's perspective, critically analyzing media landscapes, stories, and trends, and applying these insights to their own journalistic work.
Dark-themed checklist icon focusing on age-related categories.

Ages 15-18

Provides a comprehensive introduction to various professions. Suitable for students starting to consider their future careers and wishing to explore different professions.
Career Insights
American dollar bank notes
Banking & Finance
In-person Course
Amidst the city's bustling economic backdrop, participants learn to read financial markets, decipher banking systems, and enact effective financial management.
Dark-themed checklist icon focusing on age-related categories.

Ages 15-18

Provides a comprehensive introduction to various professions. Suitable for students starting to consider their future careers and wishing to explore different professions.
Career Insights
American dollar bank notes
Fashion & Design
In-person Course
In the fashion capital of NYC, participants delve into design trends and create their own fashion pieces, drawing inspiration from the city's dynamic style scene.
Dark-themed checklist icon focusing on age-related categories.

Ages 15-18

Provides a comprehensive introduction to various professions. Suitable for students starting to consider their future careers and wishing to explore different professions.
Career Insights
Product image of an Immerse Education program.
Marketing & Entertainment
In-person Course
Diving into marketing, participants study principles, strategies, branding, and entertainment industry dynamics in the context of a leading global market.
Dark-themed checklist icon focusing on age-related categories.

Ages 15-18

Provides a comprehensive introduction to various professions. Suitable for students starting to consider their future careers and wishing to explore different professions.
Career Insights
A woman listening happily
Business Management
In-person Course
In the context of a global business hub, participants will amass the theoretical knowledge needed to effectively analyse and improve a business's performance.
Dark-themed checklist icon focusing on age-related categories.

Ages 15-18

Provides a comprehensive introduction to various professions. Suitable for students starting to consider their future careers and wishing to explore different professions.
Career Insights
Laptop with Google analytics dashboard on screen

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