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Business & Management Studies: A Student’s Guide

Studying a Business & Management Studies degree will equip you with a wide range of employable skills invaluable for a range of career types and postgraduate study options. In this guide we will explore what a Business & Management degree entails, entrance requirements, career paths and further postgraduate study options. 

What is a Business & Management Studies degree?

The overarching goal of a Business & Management Studies degree is to teach you how companies and organizations operate and function. This often includes the financial, administrative, and marketing aspects of the business.

Similar courses for Business & Management Studies include:

  • Information Technology Management for Business
  • International Business, Finance and Economics
  • International Management with American Studies
  • Management (Accounting & Finance) with Industrial/Professional Experience
  • Management (Human Resources)
  • Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship)
    Management (Marketing)

Different universities offer different types of Business & Management degrees. It’s a good idea to explore what each university offers, to find the right degree for you and your chosen career path. If you have an interest in business management for example, but also an interest in technology, you might want to opt for a degree that offers this extra component. Studying for a dual degree allows you to gain a more in-depth understanding of the career path you want to pursue. 

Benefits of Studying a Business & Management Studies degree?

Studying Business & Management Studies will help to get you career ready for lines of work directly relating to business management, business operations, and business ownership. A degree in Business & Management will build credibility for your CV when applying for a role in a company, and equip you with a foundational knowledge and skill set for eventually building and running your own business. 

Most Business & Management degrees are either a BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science). 

Your degree in Business & Management will also open up doors for Postgraduate study.

What jobs can you get as a Business & Management Studies graduate?

Typical career paths for Business & Management graduates include:

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  • Management consultancy
  • Human resource management
  • Marketing
  • Insurance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management

These lines of work are often competitive and require a commitment to hard-work and on the job learning for them to be rewarding careers. The good news is that Business & Management Studies graduates earn above the UK national average graduate starting salary. A graduate starting salary usually begins at £25,000 per year. 

What Postgraduate Courses can I study?

A post-graduate course in Business & Management Studies can be beneficial for your earning potential after graduation, but also in equipping you with further specialist skills in chosen line of work. The options for postgraduate study can be broad, and allow you to branch out further in a particular field. Masters degrees include:

  • Master of Business Analytics
  • Masters of Business Management (General)
  • Msc Business with Finance
  • Master of Business Administration
  • MSc International Business Management
  • Master of Global Business (MGB)
  • Masters in Sustainability and Business Management

What are the undergraduate course requirements?

Applicants applying for a degree in Business & Management Studies must demonstrate a broad general education including acceptable levels of Literacy and Numeracy, equivalent to at least Grade B (or 6) in GCSE/iGCSE English Language and Mathematics. 

GCSE/iGCSE English Literature will not usually be accepted in lieu of GCSE/iGCSE English Language

International Baccalaureate Equivalents

For students graduating from International Baccalaureate schools, you will need to achieve a minimum of a grade 5 in any of the following subjects:

  • Maths / Maths Studies
  • Maths: Analysis and Approaches
  • Maths: Applications and Interpretation

Students without a GCSE/iGCSE in English Language at grade B/6 will be required to show that they have achieved a minimum of a 5 in one of the following subjects:

  • SL Language A: English Language and Literature
  • Language A: Literature
  • If Language B: English is offered at SL a grade 6 is normally required

Students will also need to have achieved 36 points overall. 6,6,6 in Higher Level subjects.

Always check with your university’s specific course requirements before applying.

English as a Second Language

For international students studying in the UK, you will require an IELTS level of a minimum of 6.5 for most universities. This can be shown with an approved IELTS certificate or an iGCSE English as a Second Language grade B/6 or higher.


There are usually no essential A Level subjects (or equivalent) for Business & Management courses, but universities often highlight on their entrance requirements their preferences for candidates applying for a degree in Business & Management Studies. These often include A-Levels in:

  • Accounting
  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • English Language/Literature
  • Geography
  • Government and Politics
  • Law
  • Mathematics/Further Mathematics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Sociology and Statistics.

You would typically require 3 A-Levels to be considered for a Business & Management Studies degree.


AS-levels are not usually considered as part of a standard admissions process for most UK universities when applying for a degree in Business & Management Studies. Universities may consider non-alternative routes of admissions if you are able to demonstrate that you have gained relevant skills and experience elsewhere.

How will you be assessed?

At most universities, assessment are often delivered through a mix of ways such as:

  • Exams
  • Coursework
  • Presentations
  • Group
  • Independent work
  • Essays
  • Seminar performance

Exams are most often held in January, May or June, at the end of each unit. Many institutions will also encourage you to undertake work experience at some point during your degree.

How long will my degree be?

A degree course in the UK is typically three years. For international students who speak English as a Second Language, you may be required to complete a foundation year first.


A degree in Business & Management Studies will help you to gain employability skills, hone your skill set, and expedite your career in business and management-related fields. If you are keen to understand how businesses run and how leaders successfully lead, a degree in Business & Management Studies may be the right path for you.

We offer a university preparation course for business management. Click here to find out more

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