After weekend highs exploring Cambridge’s age old rival in Oxford and the capital city, the students strode into Monday morning, reenergised and eager to face their final week of tutorials. As reading
and research grew into presentations and final projects the students pressed into the final stretch of their academic schedule.
The students welcomed some free time to explore Cambridge independently in the afternoon. The curious crew, feeling well acquainted with the city centre, were left to their own devices to further explore. We visited Gonville and Caius College and Library, where the students visited the rooms of Professor Stephen Hawking. Clare College was also graced by the Immerse force, as was King’s College Chapel.
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Time For Arts and Crafts
After dinner in Christ’s Hall, Immerse Education HQ was brought to life with Canvass and Cake. Our music (and sugar-rush) fuelled arts and crafts night revealed many secret talents. From flowers, to self-portraits, to tribute art and abstract impressionism, both the students and mentors outdid themselves on the art front. After a light-hearted viewing of Bridesmaids, the students called it a day.