Today was the first day of Immerse Education Session 2. Immerse Education, opened its doors to Queens’ College Cambridge for 92 students from all over the world.
It was an early start for some of us (the first flights landed at 5.30 am!!) to meet some of the students flying into Heathrow, while the other mentors stayed in college greeting the majority of the arrivals and their families. It was a busy day for all, with keys being handed out, luggage being hauled up flights of stairs , and students and tutors alike getting lost in the maze that is Cripps Courts staircases. College tours were offered from 2.30pm so students and tutors alike could discover the wonders and secrets of Queens’ College and before we knew it, it was dinner time!
Time to Meet the Family
Mentor families were introduced, names were mispronounced, Whatsapp family chats were created and the in-jokes started to roll in. After dinner, we had some activities to break the ice including some tower building out of paper, straws and sellotape, some of which reached impressive heights. At 11pm, we all headed to bed to be ready for tomorrow, the first full day of Immerse Education fun!