There were more than a few tired participants and mentors at breakfast this morning after the draining weekend excursions to Oxford and London, but the Immerse Education experience rolls on. Having experienced the big wide world of London and the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street yesterday, the participants were back in the Cambridge Bubble and the tranquillity of Queens’.
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Time for Tutorials
Tutorials entered their second week across all subjects, and the Economics & Management students left Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, and long-run aggregate demand behind for the more applied study of Management as part of their subject rotation. The sunny weather made the afternoon activity of either a trip to the Botanical Gardens or Sports Day popular options after the morning and afternoon study sessions. Thirty-eight students took the walk to the Botanic Gardens while the remaining seventy wanted something a bit more invigorating and opted for Sports Day. Sports Day took place within Jesus College (netball courts) and on the adjacent Jesus Green (football and ultimate frisbee). There was enthusiasm across the board for all sports, the accompanying face paint, and the chance to burn off some energy. Corrie Reid and James Kachamila were particular stars on the football field. The evening was comprised of a mix of Canvas & Cake and organised personal statement and mock interview workshops.Canvas & Cake gave the participants the opportunity to get creative; with a large area of Queens’ College lecture theatre floor covered in newspaper many participants showed off their artistic sides and got painting with an eclectic selection of music on in the background.
Time to Get (Really Personal)
The personal statement and mock interview workshops are running each evening until Thursday across all subjects and offer the participants the opportunity to have their personal statements dissected and developed by a Immerse Education mentor who studies their subject. The mock interviews are designed to simulate the interview structure and content of a Cambridge admissions interview, with the mentors providing the participants with preparatory reading material and probing their responses, as well as questioning them on their motivations for their planned course of study, what materials they have read, and why studying their proposed subject at Cambridge is the perfect next step for them.