by Teddy, an Oxford Summer Course Participant
I’m definitely going to cry when I leave Immerse, and trust me, I’m not the emotional type. But this Oxford summer camp has been one of the best experiences in my short 16 years of life on this little planet of ours.
Immerse is an experience that I could never have never imagined. So far it has been eye-opening, fun, challenging and so welcoming. The moment I set foot in Lady Margaret Hall, one of the Oxford University colleges, I felt myself being welcomed into not just a college, but a family. I know it might sound cliché, but this flower-filled college has become a home to me and I can’t think of leaving in just a week…
The mentors are people just a few years older than the participants, who each have cool stories to share. They are the smartest and most chill people that can help you with tips about college applications and also make you cry from laughter with their college experiences. They will guide you through your experience and will help you with anything you need, even if sometimes they are more confused than you.
I chose International relations and the classes have taught me so much – I’ve learned more history and geography in five days than I have in 11 years of school – all thanks to my amazing tutor and the culturally diverse students in my class. With everyone being from different countries, we all learn from one another, about the national history and culture of other students’ countries, which for international relations is of huge value. My tutor Rangga, an international law teacher, is also the reason I fell in love with my course and the subject of international law, and after five days I am now 100% sure this is the field I want to specialise in.
If I have to say something about the friendships I have made here, I can say only this: my closest friends are now here and I cannot imagine that in just a few days, they will be leaving to head back to the other side of the world. It’s sad that we might never have a chance to see each other again, though I hope that’s not the case.
Perhaps this is a cheesy and cliché recap of the Immerse experience – but it is the truth and only the truth.