Monday marked the first day of formal lessons for our participants. Everyone got stuck in, with our philosophers thinking about the big questions surrounding moral ethics, and our medics discussing epigenetics and genetic mutations. Immerse’s International Relations students were also thrown straight in, as they explored the ongoing nature of international conflict.
At lunch, students were invited to a Q&A picnic on Queens’ Backs. Snacks galore, participants had the opportunity to ask mentors questions relating to all things Cambridge. Topics covered included A-Level choices, the applications process and general life as a student in the city.
For their afternoon activity, half of our participants took part in a walking tour of Cambridge, whilst the other half enjoyed a jam-packed scavenger hunt. The latter involved finding various objects, colleges and sites within Cambridge city centre. Students provided feedback of their findings to mentors, with Nathalie’s group ultimately winning the challenge. Our walking tour participants also enjoyed their outing. They were dazzled by Cambridge’s architecture in the afternoon sunshine and learnt many facts about the University’s history, such as the context of the famous Corpus clock.
At dinner time, our participants had the opportunity to experience Cambridge Queens’ college formal hall. This did not disappoint; our students were awestruck by the hall’s beautiful ceiling decoration and thoroughly enjoyed the variety of food that was on offer. Students were also pleased with the after-dinner chocolates!
With John’s formal this evening, students certainly have even more delicious food to look forward to, as they continue their Cambridge experience.
More updates coming soon,